5656 Bee Caves Road Austin, Texas 78746
Phone: (512) 351-7288
About Austin Vision Therapy Center
Excellence is our only standard for vision therapy in Austin, TxThe Center for Vision Development was founded in 2004 by a very determined doctor who had a very big dream for vision therapy in Austin, Tx.- to transform the lives of people who were frustrated, searching for answers, and seeking alternatives to the conventional medical model of "treat the symptom". Our visionary practice has since grown to offer vision therapy in Austin and is dedicated to the specialties of developmental, behavioral, and neuro-optometry, that today offers a comprehensive approach to vision development, learning disabilities, strabismus and amblyopia, attention deficit disorders, and traumatic brain injury.We see things differently, and you will too. Vision is much more than reading letters on an eye chart. We want to know how your vision affects your quality of life. In other words, is your vision taking you where you want to go or is it holding you back? With our experience and expertise, we offer a number of services to prepare you academically, professionally, athletically, and neurologically so you can make the most out of life.Vision therapy is the best kept secret when it comes to solving vision problems that go beyond traditional eye care and glasses. Comprised of a number of therapeutic techniques, our programs teach your eyes to work efficiently and allow your brain to process information in a more effective manner...
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